King Richard III: Project feedback.

12th January 2016

Since the completion of the project we have received feedback from the course tutors. Overall I am happy with the feedback, it’s clear, concise and it highlights exactly what I need to get right in the next project in order to improve.

Below is a list of some of mine, and the group’s, positives and also the shortfalls that prevented us from getting a higher grade:


  • Product successfully articulates the design journey through its employment of a range of appropriate reflective techniques.
  • Very good identification, selection and utilization of the appropriate digital design tools.
  •  Very good deployment of appropriately contextual UI/UX design research that is either conceptual or practical in its scope.


  • Not enough significant target audience research data.
  • Not much in the way of good evidence of research into the role of the designer in the global context.
  • Ambitious work as per proposal wasn’t quite achieved.