A2 Milk Project: I think we’ve got it!!

lightbulb moment

Fig.1. Lightbulb moment.

23rd January 2016

Finally the idea we had been looking for started to take shape. We thought about an animation that involves a young boy in his own Jungle adventure world fighting wild beasts and being a hero. His adventure time is rudely interrupted by stomach ache that’s brought on by drinking the wrong kind of milk (A1 Milk) which he has an intolerance to, all of a sudden he is back in the real world (garden) and the beast turns out to be the family pet cat which lets out a dry almost sarcastic “Meoooww!!” Cue our advertisement for A2 milk. Maybe at the end he is seen drinking the A2 milk and all of a sudden he is back in his adventure world enjoying life again. We haven’t concluded the ending of the animation as of yet and we still haven’t scripted the part where the product is explained.

This idea is a work in progress but we are extremely excited about it. However this project just became massive so we need to look at ways to ensure we can achieve it. Last project we fell slightly short on achieving the goals we set ourselves, Jamie and I have agreed we do not want this to happen again.

Below: The initial storyboards I sketched out with Jamie, as mentioned above, they are unfinished but this is the premise of our idea.

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We feel that our idea will tap into motherly/parental love as no parent wants to see their child in discomfort, all they want is their child to be healthy and happy. As a parent myself I hate to see my kids have even the mildest of illness.  I am already relating this idea to when my son Joel goes out into our back garden with his lightsabre battling Darth Vader on board the Death Star. Just watching him from the kitchen window I can see he truly is in a world of his own, as a parent it’s truly magical to witness this!!

Monica Garrett stated “One of the worst parts of parenting is seeing your child sick and not being able to do anything about it. As a mother, it breaks my heart to see my son sick. I thought that before he was talking, but now that he is talking, it has gotten worse. My son now says, “I’m good,” as if he thinks being sick is punishment.”



(Fig.1.) Libertimagazine.com, Not noted. A Lightbulb Moment [online]. Available at:http://www.libertimagazine.com/2014/06/a-lightbulb-moment.html. [Accessed 23 January 2016].

Monica Garrett, Not noted. When Your Toddler Is Sick [online] Families.com. Available at:https://www.families.com/blog/when-your-toddler-is-sick. [Accessed 23 January 2016].

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