So who are The a2 Milk Company?



16th January 2016

The A2 Milk Company specializes in producing and raising awareness about A2 milk.

Everyday people drink A1 milk blissfully unaware that A2 milk is even exists. The two have no difference in taste or texture and unless anybody told you you would have no idea whether you were drinking one or the other. But there is a hidden difference between the two.

As stated by Handpicked in 2013, one contains the A1 gene, a mutated beta-casein protein found in most milks today. This has been linked to a number of health problems that are believed to be caused by a tiny protein fragment that’s created when our bodies digest A1 beta-casein, a mutated protein in the milk. Milk that does not contain this mutated protein is called A2 milk, and  people who have had an intolerance to/or dairy allergies have found that by drinking the A2 gene instead these issues have decreased and in some cases ceased all together. The A1 gene can be bred out of a herd of cows in roughly a ten to fifteen year period.


(fig.1.) The a2 Milk Company, Not noted. What is the a2 Milk difference? [online]. The a2 Milk Company. Available at: [Accessed 16 January 2016].

Hand Picked, 2013. What is A1 Versus A2 Milk? [online]. Hand Picked Available at: [Accessed 16 January 2016].

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