A2 Milk Project: The Target Audience.


Above: My wife, Faye, and my second eldest son, Joel -photo taken a few years ago.

16th January 2016

As per the brief the target audience for this project is women and mums – particularly of young children. I have collated some research to help me understand what it is that woman and mothers look for in advertising, what they like and what they dislike and why.

What is interesting is that The A2 Milk Company has grabbed MY attention. I am a father of three boys aged 4, 9 and 12, and like me my boys all had a dairy intolerance whilst they were babies and toddlers. My second eldest, Joel, continues from time to have mild eczema which we believe could be a reoccurring dairy allergy. For this reason I will be looking to make an argument that maybe fathers should also be part of the target audience even if the project is only mildly pointed in their direction.

Day one of research:-

Whilst researching I found some interesting information about mothers and how they often react to advertising and marketing campaigns. In many cases statistics show that mothers find some advertising campaigns to be extremely sexist and that they build a stereotype of what a mother is and should be.

Nicola Kemp quoted in 2015 that “research carried out for Marketing by FanFinders, the owner and operator of Your Baby Club, the fastest growing mum and baby community in the UK, reveals that 46% of mothers believe that marketing presents unrealistic ideals that they should be living up to. The research, which polled more than 5000 mothers, also found that 28% find marketing aimed at them sexist. Other evidence shows that mothers hate advertising that stereotypes dads as an incompetent or lesser parent. Maryleigh Bliss stated in 2015 that when surveying a new generation of parents in 2015 “One 29-year-old female told us, “I don’t remember what brand, but it was a paper towel commercial. Dad and the kids made a mess but didn’t clean up well. Mom shakes her head lovingly and gets the paper towel to clean up. I hate commercials that make fathers look like the lesser parent.” This somewhat backs my argument at the beginning of this post as to why fathers should be considered as part of the A2 Milk company project’s target audience.

Below: a really interesting video I found on YouTube regarding branding for motherhood.


Graeme Newell, 2012. What is customer Marketing relationship Marketing: Building Motherhood Brands [online].YouTube. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MX9aL7LxR0. [Accessed 16 January 2016].

Nicola Kemp, 2015. Marketing to mum is broken [online]. Marketing magazine.co.uk. Available at: http://www.marketingmagazine.co.uk/article/1344066/why-marketing-mums-broken. [Accessed 16 January 2016].



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